We are building a multiracial movement of men working to fight for democratic values, nonviolence, and reproductive justice.

* We are gathering names & email addresses in order to build a membership list for actions such as petitions, open letters, & to announce events. Per our privacy policy, we will not share this info with third parties.

Our Mission

Men for Democracy is an online activist organization and guerilla think tank that helps men as men fight for an expansive, inclusive, and participatory American democracy at a time when growing authoritarianism and political violence imperils that vital project.

We seek to provide a platform and voice for men from a multitude of political persuasions who nonetheless believe in basic concepts of gender and racial justice, and want to advance those concepts in the political arena.

The idea is to generate ideas and catalyze a national conversation about the ways in which men — especially but not exclusively white men — can advocate for their own rights and dignity while simultaneously supporting the advancement of women, people of color, and LGBTQ people.


We also hope to create an online space and social media presence that offers suggestions and support for men — and anyone else — who wants to move beyond the current impasse in our politics. The political polarization that defines our era is not due solely to the clash of competing ideologies. It is also caused by rapid changes in gender and sexual norms, which in turn have prompted a powerful and increasingly violent backlash, led mostly by men. This is a deeply unwise and destructive path; we can and must do better. 


Over the past decade there has been a badly needed and wholly welcome surge in women’s political activity, which includes a dramatic increase in the number of women running for office from every ethnic and racial background. Just the same, because so much of the momentum behind attacks on democracy has come from men, including men in right-wing media who use the predictable tactic of presenting themselves as “real men” and their opponents as “soft” and “weak,” we believe it is necessary to provide a voice for men with less cartoonish and more expansive views about strength and moral selfhood.


We will do this, in part, by using social media and other tools in the virtual universe (e.g. a website, YouTube videos, podcast appearances) to draw attention to the ways in which dramatic social change in recent decades has sewn widespread doubt and confusion among many men about what it means to “be a man,” and how regressive right-wing political movements have exploited the resulting feelings of unease by doubling down on tired, old, and discredited ideas about “manhood.”



One of the most disturbing recent developments in American politics is the increasing use of violent rhetoric in political speech, as well as incidents of actual violence that are designed to counteract democratic processes. The violent insurrection on January 6, 2021 is the most high-profile example, but before that disturbing event it had already become routine for protesters at State Houses to arrive in full military gear carrying semi-automatic firearms.



The vast majority of political violence is committed by men — including the disturbingly common incidence of violence directed toward women in politics. Because the men who threaten or use violence to advance their political agenda typically draw on deeply gendered cultural ideas about men as “defenders” of a “way of life” or the nation itself, it is even more important that men who reject violence speak out to offer alternative views about what it means to be a responsible man in a democratic society in the 21st century.



Finally, abundant voting and polling data demonstrate clearly that the alarming slide in this country toward autocracy and/or some form of “illiberal democracy” has been facilitated by the sometimes-overwhelming majorities of (mostly white) male voters who vote for authoritarian right-wing candidates and back efforts to suppress voting rights for historically marginalized groups. Using creative tactics of political outreach and guerilla marketing, it is our intent to expose the regressive ideas about “manhood” that underlie this anti-democracy movement, thus depriving it of one of its most potent recruiting and organizing tools.


Men for Democracy is dedicated to shining a spotlight on the many ways in which men can and do play a constructive, forward-looking role in addressing these and many other pressing matters in our politics and society.   

Frontline Agenda


"We seek to provide a voice for men in American political life who have less cartoonish and more expansive ideas about strength and moral selfhood."

- Jackson Katz, Founder

The pursuit and promotion of democracy is obviously bigger than gender. But the rationale for this group is to give voice to men across the political spectrum who have watched quietly and with growing trepidation since the emergence of Trumpism as democratic norms have eroded in favor of the appeal of “strongmen” leaders. We aim to push back against right-wing political leaders and media figures who mock and demean men who support gender equality, common-sense gun safety measures, and democratic values in general – and to provide a vehicle for men who reject one-dimensional and outmoded expressions of men’s strength.

Absolutely. Anyone who wants to advance the goals we’re working toward is welcome.

Some white men do have a powerful voice, but all too often the white men whose voices ring the loudest in American politics and media are ones who support right-wing authoritarianism. A major purpose of this group is to provide a vehicle for men who passionately support the aspirations of working and middle-class people but reject authoritarian populism as not only harmful to those aspirations, but also antithetical to American values.

This group welcomes anyone across the political spectrum that shares our goals and vision for participatory democracy and against authoritarianism, white supremacy, and fascism. Unfortunately, the Republican Party under the sway of Donald Trump and others is disproportionately responsible for engineering threats to democracy and for the growing incidence of violence in political life.

Because bans or severe restrictions on abortion rights are incompatible with democratic ideals and human rights. And because men are directly involved in creating pregnancies – before, during, and after the fact. And because abortion is an economic and therefore a family issue –
and most men are members of households and families.

They can speak out as men about threats to liberal democracy. They can make clear that they reject violent rhetoric or behavior in politics – online and off. They can support their women friends and colleagues – personally and professionally — who seek to get involved in the political
process but are often subject to bullying, harassment, and threats of violence. They can push back when people in right-wing media, social media, or other parts of social life (absurdly) mock the manhood of men who support liberal and progressive politics.

We are compiling a membership list so we can provide occasional updates, and let people know when we circulate petitions, write open letters, and organize other actions. 

Countless men are already engaged in pro-democracy work in the US and globally, whether in support of human rights, voting rights, electoral reform, anti-violence initiatives, and many other endeavors. But in most cases they are not organizing as “men,” but rather as concerned citizens, social justice activists, partisans, etc.  We think it is important  for men to speak specifically as men, in part to provide a countervailing voice against the notion that “real men” naturally support regressive, authoritarian, and anti-democratic political formations.

Join us in standing up for democratic values.

* We are gathering names & email addresses in order to build a membership list for actions such as petitions, open letters, & to announce events. Per our privacy policy, we will not share this info with third parties.
Copyright © 2022 Men For Democracy
Men For Democracy